James Johnson
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Recent activity by James Johnson-
What variant of JavaScript is used in defining business rules?
I've noticed that object such as window and document do not seem to be supported by the JavaScript used in defining business rules. Also, http.get seems to be unique to this variant of JavaScript. ...
Is it possible to make an AJAX call from a form?
Can I make a AJAX call from a form? For example, could I make a AJAX call from the JavaScript in a business rule on form load?
How can I modify a workflow without impacting in-progress tasks?
I noticed that some changes (not exactly sure what changes) to a workflow can cause an error to any pending tasks of that workflow. When trying to perform a pending task after workflow modificatio...
Complex Permissions
I have workflow that has three steps. User A is in group 1 and completes step 1. User B is in group 2 and complete step 2. User C completes step 3. User C must be either in group 1 (but should not ...
How do I restrict users to accessing only one step in a workflow?
I have a workflow such that user A fills out a form and submits (step 1). User B then receives a task to review the form and can sign (step 2). User B should not be able to navigate to step 1. With...
How can I prevent an email being sent on saving a form?
When I save a form to complete later, I receive an email with the following subject: "You have a new task for New User Form Workflow" and the following body: "You can access your task list by click...
Is it possible to use a Confluence user id to populate a form with other Confluence user information?
I have a form that requires user A to enter information about user B. When the user A enters user B's confluence user id, I would like the frevvo form to populate other form fields such as Full Nam...
How can I enforce a phone number of the form (###) ###-####
It appears frevvo allows regular expressions to be used in form validation. In the pattern field under Settings of a Phone control, I'm trying to use the regular expression: \(\d{3}\)\s\d{3}-\d{4}...
How can I modify a task?
I'm using Live Forms 5.3 server with the latest confluence frevvo add-on Every time that I tried to modify I task, I receive the error message: "An error has occurred" "Task could ...
Can the PDF of a form be stored in Confluence?
I'm using Live Forms 5.3 server with the latest confluence frevvo add-on Is it possible to store the PDF of a form submission in Confluence? I noticed that the PDF is stored on the fre...