Question on Form Headers/Footers
I am struggling to get my form snapshot to look the way I'd like.
I have hidden message controls, which are populated with HTML via a business rule. These two controls are called {zHeader} and {zFooter}, respectively.
I would like to use this HTML as my header and footer, but I'm running into the following issues:
- Header is only displaying the first line of text
- Footer (center) is off center.
/*member logo, url*/
if (form.load)
// Set default values
var CompName = _data.getParameter('companyName');
var FormName = _data.getParameter('');
var FlowName = _data.getParameter('');
var FormID = _data.getParameter('');
var TenantID = frevvo.currentTenant();
var RevisionDt = zRevision.value;
var Initials = zInitials.value;
//Set the header and footer
zHeader.value = '<p><center><span style="font-size:22px;"><strong>' + CompName + '</strong></span></center></p><hr></hr><p><center><span style="font-size: 16px;"><b>' + FormName + '</b></span></center></p>';
zFooter.value = '<p><span style="float:left;font-size:8px;">Rev: ' + RevisionDt + ' ' + Initials + '</span></p>';
// Format dates for use in the zSubmission control
// Get current date.
var today = new Date();
// Format Year, Month, Day
var year = today.getFullYear();
var month = (today.getMonth()+1);
if (month < 10) {month = '0' + month;}
var day = today.getDate();
if (day < 10) {day = '0' + day;}
//Concatenate individual DateTime values into YYYY-MM-DD format.
var date = year + '-' + month + '-' + day;
// Build the file submission path. This is used to populate a templatized string called {zSubmissions}
zSubmission.value = TenantID + '\\' + FormName + '\\' + date + '\\' + FormID;
Official comment
Hi William,
Multiple lines are allowed in headers and footers, but you may not be seeing the second line if it falls outside of your margin. Try increasing your margin space, using a <br/> instead of paragraph tags, and/or adjusting your font size.
For the footer position, please double-check that the template is the Print Footers Center field; this will center it on your page.
Please see this documentation for more info on Print Headers and Footers.
Thank you!
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