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Can the PDF of a form be stored in Confluence?



  • Prajakta

    It is possible to get a link for the submission PDF on your CF page. Please see this documentation. Will this serve your purpose?

  • James Johnson

    Thanks for the quick response. Unfortunately, the link,  [] ,  still points to the frevvo forms server. I would like to have the document stored on the Confluence server.

  • Prajakta

    I can't think of an easy way to save the PDF in Confluence.

    You can use Form Action - POST Data in frevvo forms to post the form submission data to any external web service. The web service should be able to accept and process the Multipart POST that is sent by the frevvo form and parse it to collect the PDF snapshot from it. Do you know of any CF add-on that might be able to act as this web service? Or else you might have to create one yourself.

    Unless you absolutely need the PDF you can also consider following options:

    1. Use a Confluence Template to create a confluence page with all the data entered in the form fields. Then refer this CF page instead of the PDF.
    2. Embed the frevvo submission repository in your CF page. You can then open the relevant submission from the repository to see the PDF snapshot.


  • James Johnson

    OK. Thanks for this information. Is there a directory on the (linux) server where I can find the PDFs?

  • Prajakta

    All the submission data (including the PDF) is stored in the frevvo forms database. It is not available in the file system.

    It is possible to get the PDFs from the submissions via frevvo API. Please see this example which shows how to download the submission PDF to disk.


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