How can I modify a task?
I'm using Live Forms 5.3 server with the latest confluence frevvo add-on Every time that I tried to modify I task, I receive the error message:
"An error has occurred"
"Task could not be modified. It may be locked by another user."
However, no other user is currently using the form/workflow. How can I unlock the task and modify it? Is this broken in my version of the plugin/forms server. Note: Clicking the unlock icon (when available) has no effect.
Could you please hover over the perform icon of that task and see the exact username for whom that task is locked:
The usernames in frevvo are case sensitive. So 'Jerry' and 'jerry' are considered as two different users. Please make sure that you are using correct case in the usernames when assigning tasks.
Also, you can login as tenant admin of your frevvo tenant and Modify that task to assign it to the correct user.
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It states that the task is locked by me (see taskLockMessage.jpg). Note: I can perform the task. However, if I try to edit the task (i.e. click on the pencil icon, fill reset to step and other field, and click submit), I get the attached error (see lockError.jpg).
lockError.jpg0 -
Could you please download and attach your flow zip file here?
Also, be good if you could attach screenshot of the audit trail of that task.
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Both items are attached. Thanks.
NewUserFormWorkflow_flow.zip0 -
I tried to reproduce the error using your flow on my v5.3.5.24702 setup, but it works without any error for me.
Could you please check the log files in <frevvo-install-dir>\frevvo\tomcat\logs directory to see if there are any error details in there? Please attach the logs here.
Could you try creating a new task and see if you get the same error when you try to modify it?
Please let us know the exact frevvo version you are using.
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Log is attached. I get the same error when creating a new task and trying to modify it. I'm using Live Forms server
frevvo Version 5.3.2 Revision 24396 with the latest confluence frevvo add-on I'm using confluence version 5.5.3
frevvo.log0 -
I see this error in your log file:
09:11:26.215 |-ERROR [http-nio-8443-exec-7] [c.f.f.u.u.DocumentSetUtil] - Could not POST document set to URI: https://samformsmem1:8443/frevvo/web/tn/ PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested targetThis usually indicates either incorrect SSL configuration or an expired SSL certificate.
Could you please verify the SSL settings of your frevvo server and confluence server to confirm if they are correct?
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I have now created a self-signed certificate and configured as suggested in SSL settings. Specifically,
1. Created the self-signed certificate
$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -genkeypair -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA
2. Created a CSR
keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat -file certreq.csr -keystore /home/test/.keystore
3. Submitted the generated file called certreq.csr to the certificate authority (AD)
C:\>certreq -submit -attrib "CertificateTemplate:WebServer" certreq.csr
4.Exported the CA Root Certificate (from our AD)
5. Added the CA Root Certificate to the Tomcat Keystore
keytool -import -alias CARoot -keystore /home/test/.keystore -file /home/test/CARoot.cer
6. Added the Signed Certificate to the Tomcat Keystore
keytool -import -alias tomcat -keystore /home/test/.keystore -file /home/test/frevvo.cer
7. Uncommented and modified the Connector element as follows in the app server's server.xml
<Connector port="8443" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" SSLEnabled="true"
maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false"
sslProtocol="TLS" keystoreFile="/home/test/.keystore" keystorePass="myPassword" alias="tomcat"
connectionTimeout="20000" maxHttpHeaderSize="32768"
useBodyEncodingForURI="true" />
8. Changed the '''frevvo.port.ssl''' parameter found in </frevvo/-home>/tomcat/conf/localhost/frevvo.xml:
9. Restarted the app server
Noted that the browser (Chrome) now displays the Green https lock (attached), but the log reports the same error when trying to modify a task.
httpslock.jpg0 -
Am I missing a or have an incorrect step in my previous comment? I greatly appreciate any help. Being able to route a task back to the sender is very important to us.
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Could you please attach your \frevvo\tomcat\conf\server.xml file here?
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Thanks for the quick response. The file is attached. You'll notice two commented out Connector elements. I tried those versions as well and received the same error message.
server.xml0 -
Please see this documentation. You can set the frevvo.certificate.signature context parameter in web.xml to true to ignore the certificate error. See these steps about editing web.xml file.
Note that the error you are getting is expected as a security measure. Using self signed certificate with above parameter is not a setting for production deployment.
The other option is to use http instead of https, or get a real certificate.
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Thanks. I was able to resolve the issue by importing the (CA and server) certificates into the cacerts keystore. No changes to the web.xml file were needed. I was using a different keystore file located at /home/test/.keystore. I thought the keyStore attribute within the Connector element would direct the server to correct keyStore.
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