v6.2 - Submissions cancelling Issue in Firefox
Over the past week or so we've had reports (and I've experienced it for myself) that forms are cancelling instead of submitting.
This is so far only in Firefox, and with both our own custom forms as well as built-in forms such as modifying a Tenant.
Go to hit Submit, and we get the default Cancelled message. Go back and confirm that changes did not take, which seems to rule out just some visual bug.
Is this a known issue with our version? Is there an update/patch (that doesn't change things such as the API since we have integration with another product via the API)
Hi Bill,
What is the full version of frevvo v6.2 you are using? There was a small bug fix in frevvo v6.2.7 for the issue you are referring to, but on IE browser.
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Hi Prajakta,
I tested the same custom forms and built-in forms with IE. They work fine. It seems just to be with Firefox.
I believe our full version is
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Actually a couple of reported users were on mobile as well. One example of the User Agent is:
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android
7.0; SAMSUNG SM-G930VL Build/NRD90M) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) SamsungBrowser/5.4 Chrome/51.0.2704.106 Mobile Safari/537.36 0 -
Hi Bill,
The fix was added for Edge browser on Win 10. And it was added in frevvo v6.2.7. Can you try to update your server from 6.2.1 to 6.2.8 and see if it helps with Firefox too?
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A client just reported this issue with FireFox. I tried it and was able to duplicate the issue. It worked as recently as last week. The client has installed.
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Hi David,
frevvo v6.1 reached end of life quite a while ago and is not supported any more. Please upgrade your frevvo server to a supported version where this issue has already been fixed.
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