With LiveForms connecting to a Google Sheet is a simple way to capture and share data in real time. If you want to include a row that totals column data there are few properties you will need to set in Google Sheets.
First, please be sure that your column headers are set for your form or flow in the Google Sheet. If you make a change to the headers, you will need to repeat the steps.
Next, in the row below your headers, type in “Total” and identify the cell that will contain the sum value. **Although it is not ideal, you will need to have the sum cell in a different column than the values that are added. If the sum cell is in the same column you will get a circular dependency error.
Highlight the cell and set up the sum range for the number of rows you are totalling.
Next, highlight the total row. RIght click and choose “protect range”. A sidebar will open with a field for the protected range. It should say Sheet1!#:# with the # being the row number for the total. Click set permissions and then you can configure who can edit the range. You may want only the document author to edit or want the row to be protected from any edits. It is up to you.
Now when you add a row from a form or flow to the google sheet, the totals row will shift down and the sheet will create a new row with each submission . The total will calculate as the sheet is updated.
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